Millionaire dating with food(3)

Millionaires passionate about food and tourism. If a person go to travel, a personal taste the food, it is a very lonely thing. You need to find your partner, accompany you to travel, go to taste the food, this is the happiest thing in life. So, welcome to the millionaire dating site.

Japanese Sushi


Sushi is Japanese favorite food, is also one of the most famous food in Japan. Sushi from Japan, has a long history. The method of making the sushi and material are very simple. You can choose different sushi according to your tastes, because there are many different kinds of sushi. The food is delicious and very easy to carry, so by many countries of people love.

Beijing Roast Duck


China has a long history and very delicious food, is the Beijing roast duck. The roast duck is a Beijing famous dishes with world reputation. In ancient China, Beijing roast duck was a famous imperial food. In China, many foreign tourists will go to eat Beijing roast duck.

Tom yum


When it comes to the Thai food, really very much. One of the most famous is the Tom yum. This signature Thai food added shrimp, mushroom, tomato, lemon grass, galangal and lemon leaves, usually add coconut milk and cream. Tom yum was deeply loved by people. You can exchange together in millionaire dating site, about food and love.

You can eat Tom yum very hard in other places. Although Tom yum doesn’t trouble to do it, it need to Thailand characteristic of several kinds of raw materials.

The ice cream


Everyone ate ice cream. Ice cream filled with all kinds of food in the United States. So sweet food, you need more exercise.

Everyone wants to eat the food from all over the world. Do you want to find a millionaire to eat with you? If you’re single, come to the millionaire dating site looking for a sexy girl or handsome boy go to travel.

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